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Service Catalog

This is the OSGi enRoute Base Profile service catalog. The following services are currently available and documented.

org.osgi.service.cmProvides a push and pull model to configure components.
org.osgi.service.componentAn extender for Declarative Services components
org.osgi.service.coordinatorA coordinator for thread based requests with the possibility to get a callback at the end of a request.
org.osgi.service.eventA simple publish and subscribe mechanism for generic events
org.osgi.service.httpAn HTTP server framework
org.osgi.service.http.whiteboardAllows Servlets & Filters to be registered as OSGi services
org.osgi.service.logAn service to log errors, warning, and information to.
org.osgi.service.metatypeA standard to describe data structures with the intent to create user interfaces from.
org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadminA service for a topology manager to orchestrate the services between OSGi frameworks.
org.osgi.service.urlA facility to register URL handlers via the service registry
org.osgi.service.useradminA service to manage user information like groups, credentials, and general properties.
org.osgi.util.promiseA utility to do asynchronous processing
org.osgi.util.trackerUtilities to reliably track services and bundles
osgi.enroute.authentication.apiProviding an authenticated id based on variable user credentials.
osgi.enroute.authorization.apiAuthorizing applications to execute their actions by providing current user based permissions.
osgi.enroute.capabilitiesAll specific non-code capabilities found in an enRoute Base profile
osgi.enroute.configurer.apiAn extender that gets configuration information from a bundle.
osgi.enroute.debug.apiConstants and helpers for debugging
osgi.enroute.dto.apiSupport for converting objects to other objects or JSON.
osgi.enroute.easseDispatches OSGi Event Admin events that match a given topic to the front-end using Javascript's Server Sent Events
osgi.enroute.iot.adminAn Administrative API on the Circuit board
osgi.enroute.iot.circuitA circuit board service to wire IC like components
osgi.enroute.jsonrpc.apiA white-board approach to JSON RPC
osgi.enroute.launch.apiAPI to interact with the launcher, among others getting access to the startup arguments.
osgi.enroute.logger.apiA facility to manage logging on a platform when not only OSGi logging is used. REST end-points that are based on method naming pattern with type safe use of the pay-load, parameters, and result body.
osgi.enroute.scheduler.apiProvides time based functions like delays, (cron and period based) schedules, and timeouts on Promises.
osgi.enroute.webserver.capabilitiesHandles static web pages and OSGi enRoute web resources

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