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Github Packages as Maven Repo


I recently had to setup a maven like repository for a client. Of course there are the standard hosted solutions with JFrog and Sonatype. These solutions work very well and both companies are very profession. However, managing the credentials is always tricky when you have different hosting domains. Since we were already using Github it is always simpler and more secure if you can use one security domain.

It turns out that Github provides a concept called packages. Packages provide storage space for dependencies. One of the type of packages that are supported is maven. I tried it out and it seems to work very well with bndtools.

Maven Stuff

To be able to release to a maven repository with the proper Maven metadata it is necessary to set the -pom and -groupid instructions. When this information is present, bnd will automatically create the required pom and other things that Maven needs for a release. If you set the proper OSGi headers, then this metadata is of sufficient quality to release to Maven central, including sources and javadoc.

Therefore, enter the following information in the cnf/build.bnd file:

-pom:                   version=5.2.0-SNAPSHOT
-groupid:               biz.aQute.bnd

If you remove the -SNAPSHOT from the pom version, the artifact is released to the release repo. If the -SNAPSHOT is present, it will pushed to the snapshot repo. For this example, we make the snapshot and release repo the same.

Repository Setup

The Githun Maven package URL has the following structure:<userid or organization>/<repository>

Let’s define a macro in cnf/build.bnd to not get caught in spelling errors:

  releaserepo =

You need to create a repository. This is a Maven Bnd Repository. I recently added a ‘Insert Plugin’ menu entry in Bndtools when you’re in a bnd file. You can use this to insert a Maven Bnd Repository in the cnf/build.bnd file.

-plugin: \
    ... existing plugins
        snapshotUrl         ='${releaserepo}';\
        releaseUrl          ='${releaserepo}';\
        noupdateOnRelease   =true;\
        name                =Github   

We need to provide bnd with the userid and password. Since we want to prepare this build for a CI build, we use environment variables to parameterize them. Again in the build.bnd:


We then need to setup the credentials for the communication:

-connection-settings: \
    ${if;${pwd};server;-dummy};id='${releaserepo}';username=${usr};password=${pwd}, \

The last thing remaining in the cnf/build.bnd file is to tell bnd what the release repo is:

  -releaserepo: Github


To authenticate you need to create a Github token. You can create such a token at the Personal access tokens page. You need to create a personal token that can write packages. This personal token is the password, the user id is your Github user id. The token is only shown to you once. (On the Mac, you can store them as a Note in your Keychain.) Before you run the Gradle build, you can set the credentials:

$ export REPOSITORY_USERNAME=<github username>
$ export REPOSITORY_PASSWORD=<github access token to write packages>

You can now test the releasing from command line:

  $ ./gradlew release

Some remaining notes:

  • You can also place the credentials in .m2/settings.xml or .bnd/settings.xml but a release should always be done from the CI server to make sure it does not depend on the local system. This makes the environment variables more useful.
  • On Github Actions you can define secrets and then in the workflow assign them to environment variables.
  • Instead of definining everything in the cnf/build.bnd file you can also define it in a new file in the cnf/ext directory. If you do this, make sure to put a suffix on the -plugin to make it unique, otherwise it likely gets overwritten in another file that defines plugins. For example, name it -plugin.github. All files in the cnf/ext directory are parsed included before the cnf/build.bnd file.

Peter Kriens

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