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We’ve copied someone else’s byte codes … This puts an obligation on you to obey their license(s).We should add a Bundle-License header to the manifest.

The primary license is of course DOM4J. This took some effort but they use a BSD style license. The following licenses were found:

The format of the Bundle-License header is:

Bundle-License ::= '<<EXTERNAL>>' | ( license ( ',' license ) * ) 
license        ::= name ( ';' license-attr ) *
license-attr   ::= description | link
description    ::= 'description' '=' string
link           ::= 'link' '=' <url> 

We therefore should add a license like:

Bundle-License: \; \
		description='For DOM4J and relax NG'; \
		link='', \; \
		description='Pull Parser'; \
		link='', \
	'Thai Open Software Center'; \
		description='Exception for relaxng'; \

Since we refer to the local file tosc-license.txt we need to copy this on the file system and then include it in the bundle:

-includeresource: \
	@pull-parser__pull-parser-2.1.10.jar!/PullParser*_VERSION, \
	@pull-parser__pull-parser-2.1.10.jar!/META-INF/services/*, \

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